Cooksville Real Estate
Cooksville, Mississauga is a high density neighbourhood in Mississauga, located south of the city centre. What was the original Cooksville is today known as the City Centre of Mississauga. Cooksville is now situated between Dundas Street and Highway 10, which is also known as Hurontario St. The population of Cooksville is multicultural and diverse. Discover more about Cooksville Real Estate and view MLS Listings.
Come Explore
Getting to work
This community is a major transportation centre for all of Mississauga. Mississauga Transit services the entire area and its express bus line runs through Cooksville. Both the GO Bus terminal and Mississauga Transit bus terminals are located here, just north of Square One Shopping Centre.
Activities and Amenities
Cooksville residents live in close proximity to all the major amenities located in the City Centre. The Mississauga Central Library and Square One Shopping Centre are conveniently situated very close by, and so is the well respected Mississauga Trillium Hospital. Due to the diversity of Cooksville’s population, a wonderful array of different food stores, restaurants and ethnic grocery shops are located here.
Cooksville Schools
TL Kennedy family of schools
House Types
Cooksville Real Estate is home to the greatest number of high-rise apartment blocks, condominiums and rental buildings in all of Mississauga. These high-rise building are most evident when driving along Highway 10. The majority of growth in Mississauga, before 1960, occurred in this area and it is still home to a large number of Mississauga residents, many of whom are immigrants from different countries. For many newcomers to Canada, Cooksville is often the first place they buy or rent a home.
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